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4 Power Plays For Winning Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Monday, December 30, 2013

By Erick Hastings

Wanting to get back together with your ex girlfriend or your wife is a simple issue of mind over matter. You will find that your attitude has more to do with your success in your relationship with the woman of your dreams than anything else. While a woman might hear your words fine, she will judge you by your actions. You goal should be to show her with your actions that you are strong, fun to be around and the best man for her. You are confident and you need to instill a feeling of security in her when she is with you.

Being rejected by the woman you love can be stressful and demoralizing. If you have fallen apart in front of your girlfriend or wife because you are upset or emotionally wounded by her departure then you are normal. This doesn't mean that these emotional display aren't helping you. These emotions are probably linked to the true reason why she decided to leave you though. She might not even realize it but there is a very good chance that it is a lack of respect on her part that caused her to change how she thinks of you or views you as a man. Surely, she gave you many excuses for why she was leaving but these weren't the true reason. The root cause for why a woman usually leaves a relationship is usually how she feels about that man. It should be your goal to change how she thinks and feels about you. Avoid the temptation to cry, beg, plead or even ask about the possibility of getting back together at all cost. As a matter of fact, avoid all contact with your ex until you have your life back together and your attitude has changed.

Your attitude towards your ex girlfriend or your wife is everything. Although this may sound difficult for you, having the attitude that you are willing to simply walk away is how you must be perceived. If you see her and she starts to yell at you or act disrespectful towards you, simply walk away. She is not a part of your life anymore. She is not your girlfriend or your wife and you will not tolerate this kind of treatment from her. Tell her so, turn your back to her and walk away. You might be surprised that she will come running after you. It happens and if she is accustomed to you standing there and taking her abuse then this will be a huge change for her. She will respect you for this and she will begin to see you differently.

Have control over your emotions. No matter what, never let her see you upset. Never let her see you cry or let her even hear that you are depressed or sad about the breakup. You have a new life and you have many things to be happy about. Your entire persona is all about being happy and living life to the fullest. People are attracted to other people who are happy. Force yourself to be happy. Do things every day that make you feel good and optimistic about life. If you are having a bad day, let everyone believe that everything is alright. If you are having a difficult moment, take five minutes to collect your thoughts and tell yourself that this is your life and you choose to be happy. Happiness is attractive to women.

Control in a relationship or which partner wears the pants is always a struggle. Women often test a man and if you look back on events in your relationship you will agree that this is true. Now that your girlfriend or wife has left you, she may still attempt to test you or tell you what to do. Take control back and passively teach her that you are the man and that you'll make the decisions. She really doesn't want to make the decisions in the relationship. No woman does. It is all a test to see how strong you are as a man. The next time she attempts to exert her authority in your life by stating her opinion or actually telling you what you should do, make your own decision. For instance, let's say that you agree to meet and she suggests a time and place. Instead of agreeing, change the time and place to one more convenient for you. Even if you have to create an excuse, taking control in this small matter will help her to see that things have changed in your life. You're not trying to be difficult. Her suggestion simply does not suit you and you are making a decision.

Your self-confidence has probably taken a beating since she left but this doesn't mean that it is going to take months or years to rebuild your confidence. For you, as a man, your self-confidence is apparent in how you carry yourself. A man's self-confidence can be seen without words and it is shown in your posture, the kind of words you use and your body language, in general. Your facial expression shows that you are cheerful and without worry. You stand tall without slouching and you fear nothing. If you struggle with your confidence and self-esteem, work on it by telling yourself that you're strong. You can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. This includes getting the woman that you love back in your life. The next time you see your ex girlfriend or wife you want her to feel that there is something different about you. You want to exude confidence and an air that you don't have a trouble in the world. Even if she is evil towards you, it doesn't bother you. Even is she is with another man, it doesn't matter to you because you know that eventually she is going to fall for you and come crawling back to you with tears in her eyes.

Relationships can be difficult at times. Loving a woman often gives them a lot of power in a relationship. It's sad when a woman takes advantage of that power and your kindness but you can take that power back and also restore the love that she once had for you. It's strange but women want what they feel they can not have. By following the suggestions here she will pick up on the fact that you are not the same man that she broke up with and you're not willing to grovel or beg for her to come back to her. This will all be highly attractive to her and before you know it she will become curious about what is going on in your life. The sooner you rebuild your life and become the man, the sooner she will come back to you. Be strong, be a man and get your ex girlfriend or wife back before some other guy takes her away from you completely.

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