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Effects And Uses Of Liquid Kratom

Saturday, December 28, 2013

By Harriett Crosby

There are many reasons why people choose to ingest certain mind altering herbs. Some find that the plant provides some sort of natural medicinal relief while others simply enjoy the effects for recreational purposes. Liquid kratom is one such product that is commonly used for both purposes.

The scientific name is Mitragyna Speciosa and it is a tree that is indigenous to Burma, Thailand, Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries. It is actually a member of the coffee family and has been used in herbal remedies in its native countries for as long as time has been recorded. It has the unique quality of being both a stimulant and a sedative, depending on the dosage taken.

Many who have had problems with Opium have found the leaves of this tree to be a viable substitute but without addiction. Those seeking pure recreational enjoyment find using the substance in any form, to be soothing and rather pleasant. It could be quite useful for its pain relieving abilities except that most governments are completely against it because it does have psychotropic properties as well.

Though currently illegal in Thailand, the government is giving consideration to its usefulness in assisting meth addicts to find a way to break the habit. Methamphetamine dependence is a serious problem in Thailand and is getting worse at rapid speed. Even the United States is doing research into the ways it can be used to wean those addicted to more serious drugs like opiates, cocaine and heroine without the normal symptoms of withdrawal.

Because of the psychoactive qualities, several countries, including Myanmar, Malaysia and Australia have declared this substance to be illegal. In America is is simply a drug of concern though it is completely banned, in all forms, in Indiana. There are several vendors selling this product online, making it readily available.

There are multiple ways to ingest this product, including chewing whole leaves, making teas from the powdered form, swallowing capsules, smoking and even as a paste. A concentrated extract can be made by liquefying it. The effects span from energy bursts to finding relief from chronic pain, on to experiencing a full psychedelic trip.

In a low dose, it acts like a stimulant and users tend to feel alert and energetic, talkative, friendly and sociable. In a higher dosage it begins to behave as a sedative and pain reliever, having a calming effect. Taking too much can cause one to feel euphoric and they may even experience a waking dream state, or psychedelic trip.

Liquid kratom is normally done as shots, mixed with fruit juices to mask the natural bitter taste, though it may also be used in a vaporizer or an e-cig. No one has ever become addicted to this substance but just as with other stimulants like soda, coffee and nicotine, using on a daily basis can lead to dependency. It is important that those choosing to use this herb be aware of the high likelihood of suddenly falling asleep, even when used as a low dose stimulant, and not partake of any activities that could pose a risk like cooking, driving or smoking.

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