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How OSHA Protects You

Monday, December 30, 2013

By Franklin Skribbit

You may have gone into economics or you might have studied political science. The truth is things aren't as black and white or structured as you are made to believe in institutionalized academia. There may be several different paths available. But what do you do after you have finished your degree? Here are some things that you should definitely be doing to make things easier for you in the long run.

Start Applying

When you first start looking for a job, you may not have very much experience on your resume. It is perfectly fine to build up your resume with alternate jobs that are within the same realm. Web writing, for instance, entails writing blogs for a website that is supported by advertising. Depending on your content and your audience, you could potentially earn a lot of money and good experience with this job. Another alternative is web reviewing, which involves writing reviews on the web for anything from books and movies to food.

Showing Initiative

All instructions must be given in a language employees can understand. If there are any hazardous chemicals being used the employer must create a written hazard statement explaining the situation and then he or she must train his or her employees on the matter. Medical examinations and training are required according to timelines outlines in OSHA's standards. The OSHA poster stating an employee's rights and responsibilities must be placed somewhere prominent in the laboratory for employees to review.

Don't stop learning

Just because you got your degree doesn't mean that learning should ever stop. There is too much at stake for that! Make sure that you are taking the time to learn new things every day and start seeking ways to receive advanced certification or skills that can set you apart from your peers.

In today's society, you will find that more and more people are falling behind because they are the same as all of their peers. While it is good to specialize, it is also good to reach outside of your comfort zone and make sure that you have some skills that can take you to another industry completely.

While you are honing your web design skills, take notice of the aspects of the work that you enjoy most, are easiest, that you are the best at, and what you can improve on. The great thing about working in web design is that there is something for everyone, and you may be able to just focus on what you like to do the most. There are some web designers that just solely work in Photoshop, and others that just build pages or work on the databases. Focus on what you are best at while you are still learning work hard on the things that you need to be better at. Chances are it is the same thing that everyone else also needs to do better and you could get paid more for being the best at it.

If you are living in Colorado Springs, there is a college perfect for you that has the web training you are looking for - CollegeAmerica.

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