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3 Tricks To Make Your Life Awesome Before You Win Your Ex Back

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

By Alexandra Peterson

The process of getting back together with your ex can often be emotional and filled with anguish. Sometimes no matter how hard you try or what you do, things become worse. While you might hope and pray that your ex comes back to you quickly, days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months as you turn your life upside down to convince your ex to fall in love with you again. Your friends and family encourage you to forget about your ex and move on with your life.

Right now you might have a lot of time on your hands. You have a choice. You can sit and drive yourself insane worrying about your relationship with your ex or you can make the most of this time. You would be very normal to spend days, weeks or months feeling sorry for yourself and acting depressed. If you want to do that then that is your choice. You must admit that using this time when you're alone and you have the opportunity to do whatever you want is very attractive. Using this time to bring about change in your life and making your life more attractive to your ex when the time comes to talk again is probably a good idea. You will be keeping your mind off of your ex while making changes that will make you more attractive.

Take advantage of this time apart from your ex and start a small business. The freedom of having your own business will be very attractive to your ex and the added income can make life easier when you get back together. If you have every thought of having your own business then this period in your life might be the perfect time to move forward with that plan.

In addition to doing something that you have always dreamed of, the time and focus that is going to be required in starting your own business will take your mind off of your ex. Focusing on the problem of what to do to get your ex back very well might be paralyzing your life. Taking your mind off of your ex and throwing yourself into something big like starting your own small business has a two-fold effect in improving your life and your future with your ex. Often when we stop focusing on someone or a troubled relationship, our partner begins to miss us and the attention that we once heaped upon them so, as you can see, focusing on your work in your new business might be a very good move.

Next, if you ever wanted to travel and experience different countries and cultures, this is the perfect time to both plan for those adventures as well as start living that dream. Let your mind wander and think about where you would like to visit. Would you ride horses on the beach in Mexico or would you live in the lap of luxury for a week on a cruise ship? Sit down and come up with a budget to make at least one of these dreams come true in the near future. Research where you want to go and allow yourself to become excited about the chance to get away and experience something new and exciting.

Be sure to fill your camera or phone with pictures of your trip beginning from the moment you leave your door and all throughout your vacation. Post these pictures on a few social networking sites and you can be sure that your ex will find out about it. The normal reaction that your ex will have is one of extreme jealousy and a little bit of pain as they peruse the photos of your dream vacation. If you are scared that your ex will become offended or upset that you are happy and living a good life without them then so be it. This trip might be the reminder that they need. Your ex will realize that you're a fun person to be with and you have a good life with a lot to offer. If your ex says a word about the fact that you seem to be handling the breakup rather well, you can remind them that it was their choice to end the relationship. You shouldn't be expected to sit at home alone waiting for them to call you. This vacation was a part of the healing process and a necessary step in your recovery from a very emotional breakup.

General self-improvement should be a goal of yours after your breakup. Taking up yoga, kick-boxing or meditation are all things that you can do to expand your mind and make your life better after your breakup. Taking classes, learning a new language or even getting your pilot's license are a few other ideas for things that you can do to improve your life and make life more interesting for you.

The next time someone tells you that you need to forget about your ex and move on with your life, agree with them and begin living your life for yourself. Putting your relationship problems on the back burner while you distract yourself for a short period of time might be the best thing that you ever do to get your ex back. Nobody needs to know that you are truly giving up on your ex. Showing everyone, including your ex, that you value yourself and that you want to have an interesting life is what will be perceived from the outside. On the inside, it's perfectly fine for you to continue to love your ex and hope for them to come back to you. Instead of worrying about whether your ex is going to come back, you will actually be making your life and your personality more attractive to everyone, especially your ex. Start living your life again and you very well may find that your ex comes back to you more quickly than you thought they would.

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