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Sell Your Home Faster With These 4 Easy Tips

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

By Maryl Joop

Sometimes, when you move out of a home, you may make the determination to rent your home. Such a venture can bring in some extra money.

Nothing Tacky

My grandmother, an interior design professor at the University of Texas once told me that I should have nothing in my home that is "tacky, crafty, or knick-knacky." This clever rhyme of hers was repeated through the years and followed diligently. If we ever picked up something along the way as a gift that broke any of these rules, we had our own special out-of-sight place for it. Extra clutter is unnecessary and makes the house look much smaller.

What is the first photo people see in your home listing? Does it really zing? That photo is someone's first introduction to your house, and just like first impressions with people, they will probably make a snap judgment based on that initial image.

Additionally, you will need to provide protection for those who lease your property. Tenants may unwittingly cause damage to the property. Also, an accident may occur which will damage or even destroy your investment. A qualified insurance agent can help you to find a good policy which will cover your rental property.

Move Furniture

However, the cost of repairing or replacing these items may greatly lessen the profit that you are able to make on your investment. While preparing your home, you must make the determination of whether or not it is worth including appliances with the property.

Don't Ignore Any Rooms

You may have been intending on transforming that one room into an office or an exercise room someday, but as you never work or work out at home you have never actually gotten around to it. This is an opportunity to create a room that can add a lot of value to your home.

If you're nosing around, a potential buyer might feel nervous about asking questions. They need to feel free to discuss the property with their agent without any distractions or drama.

Painting the outside of your house will make it look more charming. Rooms can be made to appear bigger and brighter by painting them with the right shade.

If each of the rooms in your house is painted a different color, consider painting connecting rooms one mutual color. This will make both rooms and the space in between look much larger, avoiding the feeling of being cramped and stuck in two small rooms rather than one large one. For example, if your living room connects to your dining room, don't separate them with paint.

Regardless of whether they are required or not, it is the decent thing to do to keep your tenants safe. You will also be protecting your rental property. When your home is ready, you should be sure to sign a lease with your tenants. The lease will protect both you and your renters. Before entering into this legally binding contract, though, you should get references from those who are applying to rent from you. Be sure that your potential tenants are good people who will not take advantage of you.

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