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Help Avoid Easy Bruising For Life By Following A Regular Walking Regimen!

Friday, March 21, 2014

By Jan Doan

One of the healthiest exercise regimens that you can follow is walking. You can go hiking through the neighboring countryside, step up onto a treadmill at home or in the gym, or simply exercise walk on the local streets and sidewalks, and you can be assured that whatever style of walking exercise you take up, it will be very beneficial for your overall health. Some people would only take up a walking program as a weight loss program, but a true walking exercise program can also benefit your attempts to overcome your being prone to bruise easily.

It is one of the sad truths of life that as you age, you will have a tendency to sustain bruises more easily. It is almost certain that if you look down over your body right now, you will likely see some bruising that you may not otherwise even be aware of, let alone how you got them in the first place. This is all too common for a lot of folks over the age of 50.

Bruising causes are not a mystery. Collagen levels fall because the human body manufactures less of it in later years, which leads to a loss of flexibility of our skin; and the the walls of the capillary blood vessels just beneath the skin get thinner and more fragile. When these thinner capillary walls break when you bump into something, blood seeps into the adjacent tissues and becomes the basis for the bruise which forms on your skin.

Understand that you are not helpless when it comes to finding a solution to your easy bruising condition. Stop simply trying to hide your ugly bruises, and start a real exercise routine of regular walking. By doing yourself this favor, you will not only improve your personal fitness and health, but also begin to reduce your tendency to bruise easily.

You can turn walking into aerobic or cardiovascular exercise if you walk at a rate that exceeds that of just ambling down the road. Any aerobic or "cardio" exercise, causes the heart and the lungs to work harder and more efficiently. This beneficial stressing of the circulatory and respiratory systems causes the blood vessels and capillaries that carry the blood to be strengthened, which reduces the likelihood that they will break when you bump into something.

Another advantage of following a walking exercise regimen is that is that it helps to build muscle tone. In addition to giving you increased strength, good muscle tone also acts as a cushion against some of those unexpected collisions. But better still, the act of regular walking heightens your control over your movements, helping you to be more agile and more able to avoid those collisions in the first place. Regular exercise is a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle, but more importantly, if you are an easy bruiser, it really can make a difference to how readily you sustain that easy bruising. You can almost be guaranteed that you will experience less bruising easily once you get a regular walking exercise program started.

You should get professional medical advice before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you are a bit overweight or haven't been exercising regularly. Your doctor can help you set reasonable goals so that you don't overdo things and hurt yourself. You will be able to increase your personal goals as you get into better shape. It is essential that you have a pair of high quality walking shoes, and you should try to avoid walking on concrete to reduce impact strain on your knees or ankles. Walking on a more forgiving surface like grass will be doing your joints a favor.

Not only will your new, consistent walking exercise program help you get physically fit, it will also help you to reduce bruising easily. Another step you should consider is to augment your walking regimen with the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program which has been proved by folks all over the world to help totally avoid bruising easily.

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