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How Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Helped By Chiropractor In Lakeland FL

Saturday, March 22, 2014

By Erik Heidrick

A Lakeland FL chiropractor can assist individuals suffering from the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel. The symptoms of the condition can be addressed without invasive surgery or drugs. This is a condition that is common among people who use repetitive hand movements. Typing every day for a job is an example of something that can cause the condition. In conjunction with chiropractic care, there are a few things folks can do.

This is a condition that compresses the nerve that is in the writs. The nerve running through the wrist to the hand goes between the bones and membrane that holds the bones in place. This is the area of the carpal bone and ligaments also called the carpal tunnel.

Poor wrist positioning while typing causes pressure on the nerve that runs through the wrist. This nerve is responsible for supplying sensation to the side of the index finger closest to the thumb and movement to a section of your hand. Swelling in this area will often result in pressure on the nerve.

The skilled professional can help alleviate your symptoms caused by this disorder. Indicators of carpel tunnel include a weakness in your hands, numbness, a tingling sensation, and atrophy of the hands and fingers. Many people experience a pain that will go from the wrist to the elbow. A numbness and tingling sensation is also commonly felt in your hand as well as your fingers.

The practitioner will use a variety of methods for alleviating your pain. The main goal is to get to the cause of your discomfort concentrating on amending the problem. There are a few things you can do that will also help correct the problem.

A chiropractic care practitioner will work with you to correct the actions that may be causing the symptoms. Therapies are natural and do not include medications or invasive surgeries. This type of therapy is ideal for the individual who prefers to avoid the more invasive methods.

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