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Social Gaming: How Do Online Marketing Companies Look At It?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

By Robbie Sutter

How many hours have you burned on the many different games and distractions Facebook has been able to bring to your attention? Whether a particular game has the word "zombie" or a word that ends with "ville," it is clear that these have been able to seize the attention of many. However, I'm starting to see that there is more of a decline these days and I have to wonder why this is. Clearly, the work of online marketing companies is something that should be looked into.

I remember when Farmville started to gain ground on Facebook; people could not get enough of it. While it might not have been to my tastes, I could definitely see why so many others have gotten lost in it. There's an addictive nature to be seen and I do not think that anyone can say differently once they would start to get into it. Of course, not everything is going to have staying power, which is something that I have started to see over the course of time.

I will say that there is a sense of novelty to be had with many of these games but how long does it take for such novelty to wear off? This is something that varies from one person to the next and eventually tasks like raising a farm and competing against others may not be as fun as they once were. The general audience member is going to become bored rather easily if the content presented is not substantial. There should be more done in order to make such an experience more engrossing.-

I believe that there should be a greater number of features, especially since most of the games on Facebook have one track to go down. You have no choice but to venture down in it and there isn't a whole lot of room for variety in the things that you're able to do. People want to be able to do more and this is where online marketing companies are able to come into play. Bringer deeper content can keep people coming back for more, which is something that is supported by firms like fishbat as well.

Facebook games may have some sense of appeal, at least initially, but that impact does not take long to wear off. After all, these games have very limited appeal and there isn't much to the actual "meat" of the game. Sooner or later, you are going to find that you are chewing and not gaining much from your efforts in the long term. It's important for developers to reach out to the social audience and the best way that this can be done is through the use of deeper content.

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