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How To Prevent Repetitive Strain Injuries

Monday, December 30, 2013

By Rey Vetangelo

It was over a year ago that someone I knew as personally as possible was diagnosed with Cancer. It had been after struggling with a misdiagnosis of pancreatitis that turned out to be pancreatic cancer, that things really sank in for my father. With a hundred other things to worry about, he now had to make some crucial decisions.

Whether developed through repetition in athletic pursuits or as the cause of the daily tasks you move through at your job, these injuries, if left untreated, can become major problems and may after some time prove completely debilitating.

This type of injury can be difficult to diagnose at the beginning. Frequently the affected area merely becomes tender and sore during use and can be mistaken for muscle soreness. As time passes and the injury worsens with repetitive use, pain becomes chronic and can eventually cause an individual to have to rely on heavy medication to handle the pain.

Diagnosing a stress fracture requires a visit to your physician. These fractures are often quite small (they're called hairline for a reason) and difficult to locate with precision. Most fractures of this nature are not visible with a simple x-ray and must be examined by a CT scan, an MRI, or a 3-phase bone scan.

Another important thing to do as you care for your sick child is to help them to stay hydrated and as healthy as possible. This can include helping them drink water and juice for hydration, and eating foods that are easy on healing bodies, such as broth-y soups, and popsicles.

When people have to make the decisions on what to do when they find out they have cancer it comes down to a number of different issues. You have to determine your financial situation.

Many people find themselves in dire straits when they all of the sudden need to get health insurance after they find out they have cancer. This can be a costly pursuit and finding affordable health care insurance may end up being harder than ever.

If your injury is complicated and/or caused by repetition at work, approach your employer or even your medical health insurance provider to find out about what ergonomic solutions may be available.

The science of ergonomics is based on the reconstruction of the workplace to better fit the physical limits of the human body. Something as simple as getting a brace or an ergonomic keyboard can make a huge difference in your healing process.

Keep weight off the injury and work to minimize additional stress due to overuse of the limb or joint that is affected. Do some research and find out about other resources and remedies that may be available to help your body heal. Ultimately stress fractures take time and patience to heal and return to full strength and capacity.

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